Automatic email notification on kreporter assignment

Hi again Val,

I debugged SugarBean.php and found that the problem was in this point:

if(in_array(‘set_notification_body’, get_class_methods($this))) {
$xtpl = $this->set_notification_body($xtpl, $this);
} else {
$xtpl->assign(“OBJECT”, translate(‘LBL_MODULE_NAME’));
$template_name = “Default”;

It was taking the “else” path, because it didn’t find set_notification_body as a Kreports class method. Checking one more time /modules/KReports/KReport.php file I found that set_notification_body function was in KReportRenderer class. I moved it to KReport class and after a Repair and rebuild… I got it working!! :smiley:

Thank you very much for your support Val. I’m so grateful.


great job ! :clap:

Thanks!!! :slight_smile:
