I am using the free version of kreporter 3.1 I want to assign reports to a team, I installed Security Suite, but this does not work with this version of Kreporter, could you please advice me a plugin or tell how can I do it?
Hi Mary, please set $sugar_config[‘KReports’][‘authCheck’] = ‘SecurityGroups’; in your config_override.php located at the root of your sugarcrm installation.
In KReport edit view you will then see a new dropdown for Team Allocation. Im my example I created a SecurityGroup “Support”
Mary, you probably run into a php error. Please check your php error log. I guess there is a code modification needed in modules/KReports/views/view.edit.php on line 33: add $db to global access in display function:
function display() {
global $app_list_strings, $mod_strings, $current_language, $dictionary, $sugar_config,$db;
// ann Add Js Strinf that will be assigned at the end befor ehte view gets rendered
$this->addJsString = '';
$jsVariables = '';
Is it possible to assign one report to more than one security group? In the dropdown that appears with the label LBL_ASSIGNED_SECURITYGROUP_LABEL I can only select one security group.
I can assign the report to more then one security group via the Security groups subpanel that appears in the detail view of the report, but if i edit the report, when I click the Save button the security groups are deleted from the report.
Thanls fpr your reply, Val. Is there any way of making kreport ignore the dropdown LBL_ASSIGNED_SECURITYGROUP_LABEL and not deleting the multiple assigned security groups (assigned via the subpanel) when editing a report?
you will have to comment the part of the code deleting entries:
function save()
after parent::save
you will find a switch block:
I have commented that part and effectively now I can assign multiple security groups to the same report via the subpanel in the detail view, and editing the report doesn’t delete the assigned groups.
Just one question more: the only purpose of that part of code was to save the group assigned via the LBL_ASSIGNED_SECURITYGROUP_LABEL dropdown, replacing the ones assigned before?