Custom Module creation is not working

When I have created custom module and try to publish it and upload using module builder and then install but after some points it stops working and then Admin studio becomes empty.

No result were found.

Please go through these links :: 1) 2)

Studio & module builder is part of sugarcrm. SpiceCRM is based on sugarcrm but wasn’t designed to remain compatible with studio & module builder. Studio & module builder are deprecated and not tested anymore.

Alternative to studio is SpiceCRM module creator

Your module will be created under custom/modules/[YourModuleName].
Field definitions will have to be made manually in custom/modules/[YourModuleName]/vardefs.php.
If you use UI:
Set Module Label definition by using Labels Manager in UI workbench and add manually a record in syscustommodules table.
If you use only backend:
Add module label in custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language/en_us.[YourModuleName].lang.php
$app_list_strings[‘moduleList’][‘YourModuleName’] = ‘Your Translation’;