Building Frontend

Looking to customize and rebuild the front end angular app. I don’t see any of the typical files needed to do the build. Any ideas how this can be done?

Thanks in advance.

I assume you did checkout the repositories. Do you have an IDE set up that can also compile the Typescript files? In teh repo shoudl be a package json file. So if you run “npm install” on the machine this should load all required librairies like the ts compiler etc needed to rebuild the frontend.

When I checked out this repos ( I do not see a package.json file.

The package.json has never been part of the public release.
May be it 's time to add it, we’ll discuss this with the team.

That would be great if you could discuss that with the team. Is there someone I could contact to get the package.json and any other required files I would need to ng build the project? Thank you.

@jackman … send us an email referring to this thread to please and we will get in touch with you.