Upgrade procedure for SpiceCRM

Hey team,

What is the upgrade procedure for upgrading both the backend and frontend of SpiceCRM



for now an update may done like this

  • wait until latest release was officially announced
  • backup files system and database
  • pull master branch from spicecrm backend repository
  • login to backend as and admin and perform repair/rebuild
  • pull master branch from spicecrm frontend repository
  • login to frontend as an admin, go to workbench and reload all packages you retrieved in your installation (identifyable by trash can icon next to download incon), start with core package.
    CAUTION with FTS package: if you customized FTS configuration, make a backup of your sysfts table before reloading the package or just do not reload fts package.

Development of a Deployment Solution is planed by the end of 2020.


I feel I am missing a step here, does the repair/rebuild update any dependencies on the BE? and if so, why would you pull from GIT

I followed these steps to upgrade my existing installation to 2020.01.002. After pulling frontend via git, i cannot open the admin in FE to reload all packages. Error is: Component AdministrationHomeScreen Missing

How can i enable th Admin HomeScreen, without loosing my configuration?



please, run following SQLs into your database

REPLACE INTO `sysuiobjectrepository` (`id`, `object`, `module`, `path`, `component`, `description`, `componentconfig`, `version`, `package`, `deprecated`) VALUES ('398b8702-ce66-9d5b-bec6-5b65d9385177', 'AdministrationHomeScreen', '4b6fa2bc-2c3f-4b06-a5b4-76debf965af3', NULL, 'AdministrationHomeScreen', 'Home screen for the admin panel', NULL, '2019.12.001', 'core', 0);

    REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('1048f8d8-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Calendar', 'LBL_CALENDAR', 6, '2019.12.001', 'googlecalendar');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('104ccbaa-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Scheduler', 'LBL_SCHEDULER', 2, '2019.12.001', 'core');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('104ef092-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'ACL', 'LBL_ACL', 7, '2019.12.001', 'aclmanager');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('10531e08-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Full Text Search', 'LBL_FTS', 8, '2019.12.001', 'core');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('1057db6f-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Workflow', 'LBL_WORKFLOW', 9, '2019.12.001', 'workflow');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('105a24ab-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Language', 'LBL_LANGUAGE', 3, '2019.12.001', 'core');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('105fb625-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Number Ranges', 'LBL_NUMBER_RANGERS', 5, '2019.12.001', 'core');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('10669a8e-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Dictionary', 'LBL_DICTIONARY', 10, '2019.12.001', 'core');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('106f50b8-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'E-Marketing', 'LBL_EMARKETING', 11, '2019.12.001', 'campaignmanagement');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('107447e6-21a8-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Quota Management', 'LBL_QUOTA_MANAGEMENT', 12, '2019.12.001', 'core');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('352826ad-86a7-413f-be4f-8216560ac4f9', 'HTML Styling', 'LBL_STYLING', 13, '2019.12.001', 'core');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('8B74AF89-A274-4CA2-BFF2-8B3700F8416A', 'Servicemanagement', 'LBL_SERVICEMANAGEMENT', 14, '2020.01.001', 'servicemanagement');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('928F9B18-B928-4256-AFA7-25521CFC2CD1', 'Report', 'LBL_KREPORT', 15, '2020.01.001', 'reporting');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('db04c650-a529-4b32-9a3d-ecc02ca7ee67', 'System', 'LBL_SYSTEM', 1, '2019.12.001', 'core');
REPLACE INTO `sysuiadmingroups` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `sequence`, `version`, `package`) VALUES ('dd595b61-21a7-11ea-b9e3-54e1ad2083e4', 'Workbench', 'LBL_WORKBENCH', 4, '2019.12.001', 'core');


Thx… the error message is gone, but the screen keeps blank. When i open objects (contacts, accounts), the screen keeps blank. I see only the header, no data.


Could you reload packages using package loader?

In Admin the Screen is Blank, as shown. So I cannot reload packages :flushed:!


Did you try logging in to Backend and load core package?
Administration > Load UI Config

In my first try to update, yes… After that all UI Customisations were gone (Additional fields were missing in UI…).
After your replace into sql’s I get now:

Table structure for sysuiroutes is not up-to-date.
Reference table = id, path, component, loginrequired, redirectto, pathmatch, version, package, target, aclaction, referencepath, subtabs
Client table = id, path, component, redirectto, pathmatch, loginrequired, version, package
Action aborted


Did you run repair/ rebuild in backend?

I made a rebuild/repair after upgrade from git. Now again and I’m now able to reload all the packages. But again, all customizations (we added some fields in accounts and contacts) are gone. In Backend still available, but in UI (Frontend) gone.
Google Maps Package could not be installed (nothing happens)
Error Message in Header of Package Loader: nicht zuordenbare Pakete: salesdocs

How can the “Tabbed” thing enabled?


ok, the Tabbed thing is answered with the new blog post: https://www.spicecrm.io/the-3-new-navigation-modes-in-spicecrm/ ;). Thx for the post!
