Hi Val, thank you.
I renamed vendor/slim folder to vendor/slim_
Now i’m able to select modules from the drop down and to drag&drop fields.
But i can’t create any report.
When working in KReport edit view i see:
Declaration of KReport::create_new_list_query() should be compatible with SugarBean::create_new_list_query($order_by, $where, $filter = Array, $params = Array, $show_deleted = 0, $join_type = ‘’, $return_array = false, $parentbean = NULL, $singleSelect = false, $ifListForExport = false) in C:\wamp64\www\Sviluppo\modules\KReports\KReport.php on line 2035
PS: evironment is
PHP 5.6.40
Apache 2.4.37
If i click save i get a KReport record without any info.
This is the dump:
INSERT INTO `kreports` (`id`, `name`, `date_entered`, `date_modified`, `modified_user_id`, `created_by`, `description`, `deleted`, `assigned_user_id`, `report_module`, `report_status`, `union_modules`, `reportoptions`, `listtype`, `listtypeproperties`, `selectionlimit`, `presentation_params`, `visualization_params`, `integration_params`, `wheregroups`, `whereconditions`, `listfields`, `unionlistfields`, `advancedoptions`, `category_id`, `category_priority`) VALUES
('f3d2e41d-e25a-825e-d942-5d691b2fe4ee', 'new Report', '2019-08-30 12:51:16', '2019-08-30 13:06:36', '1', '1', NULL, 0, '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[]', '[]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL);