First of all, congratulations for this project works very well.
I have always used KREPORTER in SUITECRM and it works very well. However in the last versions of Suitecrm I have had problems and I have not managed to make KREPORTS work.
I would like to know if there is any possibility of receiving recommendations or technical support to continue using this excellent reporting tool.
The problem is with SUITECRM versions 7.10 and 7.10.2. I have tested with the versions of KREPORTER 3.1 and 4.2 I have also tried installing the KREST 2.5.3 and 2.5.2. I also review the issue of permits and everything is fine.
but I can not access the Kreports interface and create or edit reports. (See attached image)
I have tested on two different servers with different versions of PHP.
Thank you very much for your support, it is very helpful.
Install the KREPORTS 3.0 and it works very well (Thank God).
To install the KREPORS 4.2 and the KREST 2.5.3, first uninstall the 3.0 and proceed with the normal installation.
Check permissions, clean the cache, probe in several browsers but when trying to create a report I can not select any module (The drop-down list does not appear).
And when I try to save, it keeps saving and never ends
It’s a breakthrough, but I do not know what could be missing.
suiteCRM 7.10.x appears to deliver slim library in vendor/slim folder
This interferes with the slim version loaded in KREST/Slim.
Whar happens when you rename vendor/slim to vendor/slim_ ?
Does KReporter interface load?
Rename slim_ and now it works but only with SAFARI. In Crome and Mozilla Firefox loads the modules list but does not allow to drag the fields to the report.
Could you give us a suggestion about it?
what impact does the change (slim_) in the overall operation of suitecrm have?
I can’t tell because I do not know SuiteCRM functionalities.
They might have included the library to allow the creation of REST APIs for SuiteCRM.
They might have included it because they wrote their own REST API to make SuiteCRM accessible through newer API than the old soap and rest service provided originally.
Best is you ask SuiteCRM what it is for,