We are working on getting our heads around the method of applying ACLs to an ORG Unit.
We would like to add an Org Unit to an ACL Profile – then when adding a User to the Org Unit, they should have the related ACL Profile applied to their permissions.
We would like to apply record-level ACL to a an Org Unit so a record can have ACL applied to a record.
We seem further guidance on how an employee should be managed in relation to the User where the above points are concerned. We are aware that the concept of the User is being stripped back to pure login functionality and the employee becomes the primary object that ‘owns’ a record or is a member of a group that owns the record.
Let me know how i can assist with this inquiry.
We are running latest version (2024.02.001) and some instances pending update (version 2024.01.001.1737542072026)
Further to the original post - regarding record-level permission discussed in Point #2, we require the ability to assign a record to multiple ‘groups’ - as I understand - ‘Organization units’ can we selected in an ACL Profile — building upon that control of module level permission - we require the ability to assign multiple ‘Organization Units’ to one record.
Use Case Scenario: There are 4 teams in the company; 1. East coast Sales Manager 2. East Coast Sales Rep. 3. West Coast Sales Manager 4. West Coast Sales Rep.
A Lead record has been assigned to the East Coast territory, and now only East Coast Sales Manager and East Coast Sales Rep members should be able to view the record. Although the West Coast Sales Manager and Sales rep have full permission to access the Leads module, they should not see records that are deemed outside of their territory.
The user should be able on relate the ‘East Coast Sales Manager’ and East Coast Sales Rep ‘groups’ to the Lead record.
Additional related question - i don’t think it is another topic - rather additional points on this topic:
Can you explain the introduction of the ‘Employee’ to the Org Unit
Do I understand correctly: the function of the ‘User’ is to manage login / authentication and now the employee is related to the User and the employee is the object that ‘owns’ the record ---- can you elaborate on my simple overview of how the user and employee as associated and the logic behind with restructuring\ of record ownership/assignment
Can the system ignore the employee and only run with the User or moving forward do we need to fully embrace the employee?
How will this impact updates of prevoius versions of SpiceCRM with no Employee consideration to now manage Employees moving forward
---- pardon my approach - i was not able to edit the original posts - and i think all 3 are related - not sure how to break down this bigger topic.