We are working on getting our heads around the method of applying ACLs to an ORG Unit.
We would like to add an Org Unit to an ACL Profile – then when adding a User to the Org Unit, they should have the related ACL Profile applied to their permissions.
We would like to apply record-level ACL to a an Org Unit so a record can have ACL applied to a record.
We seem further guidance on how an employee should be managed in relation to the User where the above points are concerned. We are aware that the concept of the User is being stripped back to pure login functionality and the employee becomes the primary object that ‘owns’ a record or is a member of a group that owns the record.
Let me know how i can assist with this inquiry.
We are running latest version (2024.02.001) and some instances pending update (version 2024.01.001.1737542072026)