I have done an installation of SpiceCRM. That went OK.
Then I installed E-Mail Handling: I’m getting permanently these message:
Sat Feb 27 12:30:44 2021 [6106][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship mailboxes_emails_rel
Sat Feb 27 12:30:44 2021 [6106][1][FATAL] mailboxes for mailboxes_emails_rel failed to load
Then I installed Campaign Management: I’m getting permanently these message:
Sat Feb 27 12:37:21 2021 [6110][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship campaign_accounts
Sat Feb 27 12:37:21 2021 [6110][1][FATAL] campaign_accounts for campaign_accounts failed to load
Centos 7
Mysql 5.7 (started with MariaDB; got the same error message)
Apache 2.4
Backend und Frontend where installed via git clone
What am I doing wrong?
– Andreas
Just tried to add a call to an account. The call does not show up. Got this in the log:
Sat Feb 27 13:53:45 2021 [38273][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship opportunity_calls
Sat Feb 27 13:53:45 2021 [38273][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship projects_calls
Sat Feb 27 13:53:45 2021 [38273][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship projects_calls
Sat Feb 27 13:53:45 2021 [38273][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship consumers_calls
Sat Feb 27 13:53:45 2021 [38273][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship servicetickets_calls
Sat Feb 27 13:53:45 2021 [38273][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship campaign_accounts
Sat Feb 27 13:53:45 2021 [38273][1][FATAL] campaign_accounts for campaign_accounts failed to load
Did you run a pair rebuild after loading packages?
In some packages additional tables have to be created.
And relationship definitions shall be be added to cached files.
How do I do that?
The UI is completly different compared to SuiteCRM.
Login as administrator
Go to workbench > rudder icon on the top right
Search for repair database
Execute repair database
Execute sql queries appearing in pop-up window
Logout and re-login
Sorry, I cannot find anything regarding “repair”.
Is this the place you mentioned?
In the seach bar I typed repair but nothing is showing up.
Is there any URL I can use?
Which spicecrm version do you have?
The latest versions on github. Cloned them (frontend and backend) with git.
Just followed the instructions in SpiceCRM_UI_installation_guide_v2.pdf
then you shall have the repair database in the list. That’s odd.
please run following queries in database:
REPLACE INTO sysuiadmincomponents
, admingroup
, adminaction
, admin_label
, component
, componentconfig
, sequence
, icon
, version
, package
) VALUES (‘91050527-74F0-42F3-BF13-36D57A352DB5’, ‘Dictionary’, ‘Repair Database’, ‘LBL_REPAIR_DATABASE’, ‘AdministrationDictRepair’, NULL, 3, ‘custom:custom94’, ‘2018.02.001’, ‘core’);
REPLACE INTO sysuiadmingroups
, name
, label
, sequence
, version
, package
) VALUES (‘523A0C94-1841-4400-8F55-78A781514091’, ‘Dictionary’, ‘LBL_DICTIONARY’, 4, ‘2020.03.001’, ‘core’);
They might be missing
Each replace effected one 1 row. Now repair shows up (including the sql-commands). Will move on later. I’ll come back if I still have problems.
Anyhow: THANKS!
– Andreas
Maybe this helps: After I reloaded the “core configuration” the “repair database” is being deleted. Have to repeat the replace-sql-commands.
Yes, they are definitely missing in reference database.
I will add the sqls there.