Set up scheduler in 4.2


Can anyone guide me as to how I use the scheduler in KReporter 4.2?

I would like to have a number of reports emailed out each week to the management team within my business.

I can’t seem to figure out why it is not sending and I cannot find any documentation on this. Any ideas?

Many thanks,


KReporter documentation is to be found under

Schedule report topic is under


Hi Val,

Thank you for your email and links.

When creating a scheduler I do not appear to have ‘Process Scheduled KReports’ as an option in the job url drop down.

Do I have to manually put a path in to the ‘Job URL’ field? If so, what is the complete path I should enter?

Many thanks,



a language file might be missing. Do you find custom\Extension\modules\Schedulers\Ext\Language\en_us.KReporterExtension.php ?

The scheduler file might be missing. Do you find custom\Extension\modules\Schedulers\Ext\ScheduledTasks\kreports.schedulertask.php ?


Hi Val,

I have checked the suggested paths. There is a file located here: - custom\Extension\modules\Schedulers\Ext\ScheduledTasks\kreports.schedulertask.php

However there is only a ‘folder’ named en_us.KReporterExtension.php which is empty.

I have also checked the permissions and they are correct.

Am I missing a file?




yes, language file is missing. Probably missed during packaging.
Please create file custom\Extension\modules\Schedulers\Ext\Language\en_us.KReporterExtension.php
And write following code in it:

<?php $mod_strings['LBL_RUNSCHEDULEDKREPORTS'] = 'Process scheduled KReports'; ?>

Save, then go to CRM > Administration > Repair > repair/Rebuild

After that you should see ‘Process scheduled KReports’ in the job list in your Scheduler entry.


Thank you Val.

That has solved the problem.