Drill Down - Pass dates to Child Report

is it possible to pass the dates from the parent report to the child report ot filter the results ?
i have one date before and a date after and nee to pass these along with the assigned user.
the assigned user is fine but im unable to select the date fields form the parent report in the mapping .

Please check documentation
What you need to do is proper mapping

Hi Val, i have read the documentation.
but date variables are not in the mapping table. the parent report has before X date and after Y Date.
you cant sleect those same variables in the mapping…

and the date fields in the parent select are not available to map the the child report.


before X should be ok with operator <
after Y with operator >

Did you select corresponding fields in select tab in child report? Set ignore as oprtaor + editable yes

Hi Val, same fields selected in both reports but the date fields are still not selectable.
child is set to ignore and editable.
but i cannot select the parent date filters from the mappedid


Is the date from parent selected in manipulate tab?

Hi Val we have the drill downs working although with a few minor tweaks.
do drill downs work as a dashlet ? is this something that could work ?

drilldowns do not work in dashlets.
I would some time to analyze for capability.

Hi Val, we have found another issue with drill downs.
if the value you are passing has a space in the display value it is not passed correctly.
you have to then select the filter again and then the report loads.




Thanks for the detailed screens, I’ll look into the problem.