Errors after successful login

I am having this error after login successfully from new UI.

Any idea please?

Configuration is missing
Login to spicecrm backend , go to administration > load default UI config.
only CORE
Delete Browser cache
Reload UI

Yes you are right. I did accordingly and it is working now. Modules names in menu are showing fine.

Now I am facing another issue. List view is not showing. Search Post call is returning ZERO records.

In this above video I am showing what happens on clicking Accounts link.

Thank you very much.

Getting following console error on login.

Territories refers to Territory Access Management which is not part of public version. It does not restrain functionality. We are working on a solution to avoid this error being thrown.

Dashboards error: no dashboard is available after install. Same here. It shouldn’t kill functionality and you should be able to create your dashboard. Coming version 201901001 should not throw this error. In future versions we will add a “default dashboard” download area.

What about this problem?

May you please tell me about search on relate fields too how it works? Maybe i need to integrate elastic search to make it working.


OK perfect.
Thank you very much.

Go to Administration > FTS Setup and select module

Click add fields at the bottom

Select related field by clicking +

Then click put mapping AND index

I did this way but i do not know what it will do?

It will create an index in elastic search and index the content. The content will be indexed as defined for each field. For more information about the meaning of the settings, please elasticsearch documentation text

If you want to see if your index exists on ES, call http://yourhost:9200/spicecrmaccounts/_search you will get the first 30 or 50 indexed entries.
This assuming that you named the index prefix spicecrm.
spicecrmaccounts = index prefix + module name lower case

Thank you very much.

I am trying with latest release but frontend is showing nothing.

Did you load UI configuration in backend?
Administration > UI Config ?

Yes I loaded UI Config from backend admin.

In latest version 2019.04.001 we re-worked on package loading.
Please install this latest version