Missing Create Account/Contact buttons

Hi Val,

Today we started using the SpiceCRM backend replacing my old SugarCRM. While all information is visible we don’t seem to be able to add Accounts and Contacts.

Can you tell me how to regain that functionality?

Kind regards,

Did you install elasticsearch (6.x) and indexed the data?
Initializing indexes may be done in UI workbench. Look for ft setup.
Indexing lay be triggered manually using indexing button available for each module.
Alternative us to turn fts indexing scheduler job. See that cron is active and crontab has the proper path to cron.php.


Hi Val,

Thank you for this answer.

ElasticSearch is installed and running. Still as we only wish to use the backend for now, I noticed that the Create Contacts/Accounts function is only missing when I log-in from an external location (when on the same network the backend works fine).

I’m not sure how this is related to the indexing services that seem to be frontend functionalities.


any screenshot available? “create” may be triggered in various ways.


Hi Val,

Had to suspend the project for a while and now restarted it. Today I got a new view on the issue.

What happens is that when I log-on locally (direct IP access to web server; Ubunty 18.04, LAMP) all functions of the backend are operational. Still when I log-in through a URL/Virtual Host the side menu, top-menu, create buttons, k-reporter are not showing or not refreshing.

As you mentioned before the backend should function as a stand alone crm, and I love what you did to it, so this is how I intend to use it for now.

Do you have a suggestion on why the menu functionality works within the same network, but not when logged in from the WWW?

Screen dumps are available if you wish to see the phenomenon.


Hi Val,

Even though it is still mistery to me, I have tried to find the anomaly in my system. It looks like the ExtensionContent.jsm returns this error when approached from outside my network: “Error: Incorrect contents fetched, please reload.”

When pointing at the mysitecrm/KREST/index.php the following error apears in a JSON window: “message “Authentication failed: session invalid””

Below you see the effect of the error in the lack of functionality in the Kreporter window (data barred out). When opened from inside the netword (figure 1) the side bar fills, so does the Kreport and the top menu’s come down. When the server is approached from exteranally they don’t (figure 2).

I hope you can shed some light on this mistery.

Thanks, Erik

Thank you Erik for the detailed description.
Menu contents and KReporter Contents are loaded using ajax calls. That’s why they are missing when authentication fails.
I’ll have a look into this. Session is available since you can login to backend.
How do you call CRM From both locations local network and external: over http or https?

Hi Val,

Thanks for your answer.

I have installed the https ceritificate as suggested in your tutorial. Still I did not install the auto reroute function yet. In the end the issue happens through both routes, http and https.

Looking forward to hear from you,


Erik Verschuuren

Hi Val,

I wonder if you have had a moment to look into this matter.

Looking forward to hear from you,

Kind regards,


I am wondering if the site_url parameter in config.php has an impact. It shouldn’t.
Would you try out just to make sure?

Hi Val,

What should the setting look like?


Erik Verschuuren

MS Wil B.V.

M: +31 6 22515295

that’s the site_url containing the link to CRM
so if you have something like http://localhost/mysite
then change to http://externaldomain/mysite


Hi Val,

It looks like the issue is solved.

You were correct the site_url was directing to the internal IP address, while in my SugarCRM instances site_url was directing to the virtual host name.

Secondly the settings of the Virtual Host conf file were incorrect, they are now changed to:

<Directory /var/www/html/mycrm/>

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

AllowOverride All

Require all Granted

It looks like we are up and running now! Thanks for your suggestions.

Kind regards,

Erik Verschuuren

MS Wil B.V.

M: +31 6 22515295